

Lee 健康:为您的乳房健康需求提供富有同情心的护理

Lee 健康 providers understand the importance of compassionate care no matter your unique health situation. 全网最好的赌博软件在这里帮助你的每一步, to ensure you receive the best care and support available for breast biopsies and breast health.


Your doctor has recommended that you have a breast biopsy because of a suspicious area on your mammogram. Our breast imaging specialists perform this simple procedure at the 乳房健康 Center.

During the biopsy, our staff will collect a small sample of tissue from the suspicious area. We send the sample to a pathologist — a physician specializing in the analysis of tissue samples under a microscope. The pathologist will provide the biopsy results to your physician, who will review them with you.


It is likely that we will perform your procedure using one of the three primary imaging systems common in breast biopsy: ultrasound, x射线或磁共振成像(MRI).

在你做活检之前, be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications and vitamins you take — either prescription or over-the-counter. Your doctor may advise you to stop taking certain medications before your scheduled biopsy. 

Our staff may also advise you to wear loose clothing for comfort and avoid deodorant or perfume. Most patients can eat and drink normally and go about their typical daily activities before arriving for their breast biopsy.

在手术当天,全网最好的赌博软件的工作人员会要求您脱下衣服并穿上长袍. 取决于用于指导活检的成像系统, 你可能会像做乳房x光检查一样压缩乳房, 如果你的医生使用超声成像,全网最好的赌博软件也可以使用凝胶.

如果你正在做核磁共振引导活检, we will insert an IV into your arm so that a contrast agent will help us see small details in the breast. 在你准备好活检后, 全网最好的赌博软件会给你的乳房拍照并定位活检区域. 全网最好的赌博软件将用消过毒的溶液清洗你的皮肤,然后用麻醉剂麻醉.

We will then make a very small skin nick to make it easier for the biopsy needle to enter the breast. 

通常,全网最好的赌博软件会通过单个皮肤划痕收集多个组织样本. We may also take a final set of images to verify that we collected the appropriate tissue. Your physician may place a small marker (smaller than a piece of rice) at the biopsy site to make it easy to find the exact location of the biopsy in the future.

标记是由金属合金制成的, 比如钛或不锈钢, 并且在标记被放置之后,你将无法感觉到或注意到它. 

工作人员会在你的乳房上按压几分钟. 然后, we place a small bandage over the skin nick and give you an ice pack to apply over the biopsy site.

在某些情况下, we may place a compression wrap bandage around your chest to minimize chances of swelling or bruising. 

Your doctor may prescribe a non-aspirin pain reliever to help alleviate discomfort. 全网最好的赌博软件还会详细说明如何护理活检部位. 大多数妇女在手术后可以立即恢复正常的日常活动. 





活检时间因患者情况而异. 通常, the total time for a biopsy is 45 - 60 minutes from the time you enter the exam room until the time you leave. 这包括医生取出组织样本所需的时间, 通常少于一分钟. 

每个病人都不一样, but you might feel a slight sting or pinch when the anesthetic is first being administered to your breast. Numbing the breast before the biopsy should make the rest of the procedure as pain-free as possible. 

Your breast may be slightly tender, and you may experience some bruising at the biopsy site. 通常, most women can resume many of their normal activities the same day as the procedure. 你的医生会建议你活检后的护理. 



  • 立体定向乳房活检: 你将趴着躺在一张有垫子的桌子上, 你的乳房将通过桌子顶部的开口放置. 需要一些压缩来保持正确的定位. Our radiologist will utilize a specialized computer to guide the biopsy device/needle to the lesion and remove small tissue samples.
  • 超声引导下活检: 你会躺在他们背上的软垫桌子上. This procedure utilizes sound waves to assist the radiologist with placing a special biopsy needle into the breast lesion.
  • mri引导下活检: 你将趴着躺在一张有垫子的桌子上. 全网最好的赌博软件将把乳房从桌子顶部的开口放进去. 技术人员将对乳房进行定位,以确定有关部位的位置. 需要一些压缩来保持正确的定位. 在MRI引导下,将一根针插入乳房病变部位. 全网最好的赌博软件的放射科医生会从相关区域取出小的组织样本.

After your biopsy we will place a small titanium clip or marker in your breast at the biopsy site to easily identify the area that was biopsied. You will not feel or notice the clip, and the clips are not associated with any health risks.

技师会按住几分钟以止血. 全网最好的赌博软件会在你的活检部位贴上无菌条和无菌敷料. You may feel some tenderness at the biopsy site or experience bruising after your biopsy for several days. 

病人可以服用泰诺来缓解不适. You can resume normal actives after your biopsy unless you get additional instructions. 全网最好的赌博软件将所有活检标本送到病理学家进行最终诊断. 这些结果通常在48至72小时内可获得. 



病人将仰卧在有垫的桌子上. 这个过程利用超声引导. Sound waves will assist the radiologist with placing a small needle into the mass in your breast and extract fluid from it. We send the fluid to pathology to be examined under a microscope to assess for any abnormalities.


An alternative to needle localization is an FDA-cleared device called a 萨维童子军. The radiologist will place a reflector 萨维童子军 next to the breast lesion using imaging guidance. 这可以在手术切除前的任何时间放置. 

On the day of surgery the surgeon will scan the breast using a hand piece that emits infrared light and a micro-impulse signal to detect the location of the reflector. 实时的听觉和视觉信息帮助外科医生定位反射器, 伴随着目标病变. 

This device allows for more flexibility in scheduling surgery and can improve the patient’s experience.


使用乳腺, 超声或核磁共振引导, the radiologist will place a tiny needle and wire into the suspicious lesion in your breast. The radiologist will confirm the needle is in the correct place and then remove it — but the wire will remain in place. 

We will then transport the patient to an outpatient surgical suite to have a surgeon perform the open biopsy.


